Monday, October 30, 2017

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Appropriate Puppy Treats

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can help round out your family with a new furry companion and give you some helpful advice on how to integrate your new fur baby into your home. Since training will undoubtedly be involved in making a solid, happy home for your newly expanded family, the question of what treats are good for your new pet and which ones should not be considered is something you may want to discuss with the breeding facility; however, to get you started, below are a few of the possible treat time ideas that you may want to discuss…read on!

Commercial Treats
Just about every supermarket, drugstore and super retail center have aisles dedicated to pet food and treats. Commercially produced pet treats are available in many flavors and types for you to try to add to your pet’s diet as a reward for good behavior and as an incentive to learn tricks. However, your dog breeder may have some suggestions as to which brands you may want to avoid for reasons such as low protein content or specific ingredients that a particular breed may be sensitive to digesting. Asking your breeding facility what types of commercially available treats they recommend can help a great deal.

Make Your Own Treats
Some puppy owners enjoy making their own treats for their fur babies. A simple kitchen dehydrating machine can help a pet owner churn out healthy, natural snacks for your pup. Using thin slices of chicken or beef can give your puppy a nutritious protein boost and reward their behavior when he or she has put their best paw forward. If your dog breeder has raised your new pet with homemade treats, this may be a great way to keep them on the same diet and avoid some of the pitfalls you may find with commercially available treats.

No Matter Which Way You Go…
Whether you choose the DIY approach to giving your puppy a treat or have bought a commercially available brand, breaking treats down into smaller bites is a great tip. Your dog breeder can verify that your new pet doesn’t really care what size their treat is, just that they get one. So for instance, if you have chosen a commercial treat, breaking it into small pieces gives your dog more treats and more pleasure than if it is kept whole. Plus this tip helps you to give treats in a more economically efficient manner while still giving your fur baby the training tools it needs.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and how to choose the best treats for your new puppy, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link.

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