Saturday, March 17, 2018

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Negative Stimulus For Puppy Training

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can help you round out your home with a new furry family member. Once you find a reputable facility and you and your family agree on which puppy you want to bring home, the job of integrating your new pet into your household begins. Training your puppy will be an integral part of making this newly expanded household into a happy home. While positive training methods, such as giving treats, praise and other rewards for good behavior is shown to be the most effective way of training your new pet, adding negative stimulus for when your fur baby is doing something he or she shouldn’t be can help speed along the process. There are several things you can do that are humane and non-abusive ways to show your pup the “no-no’s” of his or her new home. Read on to find out what you can do to encourage your fur baby’s learning process...

Tone of Voice
While praising your new puppy in a positive, excited tone of voice will have an excellent effect on your positive reinforcement training techniques, using a stern voice and scolding your new pet for wrongdoings will alternatively have a similar effect. He or she will quickly conclude that whatever behavior was being presented was not welcome. Since dogs actively want to please their human family members, your tone of voice will have a strong bearing upon the activities he or she avoids in the future.

Training Tool
There are many training tools on the market today that can help your new pet learn what he or she shouldn’t be doing. A puppy’s attention can be broken with sounds, so training tools such as clickers can be associated with behaviors you want them to stop if used properly. By using the clicker with scolding, you can make the sound it produces an “attention breaker” and let him or her know that they are doing something against the house rules. Ask your dog breeder for training tool recommendations.

DIY Tool
By using sound associations like the suggestion about training tools like clickers, you can easily make your own “attention breaker” that is just as effective. Putting coins in a can and shaking the can any time your new puppy is being scolded for negative behaviors can be just as effective as stores bought training devices.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and negative reinforcement in puppy training, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Teaching Your New Puppy The Basics

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can help your family grow with a new, cuddly puppy. However, with a new pet comes many responsibilities and added time consuming tasks, such as training your forever friend so he or she knows what behaviors are acceptable in their new environment. Positive reinforcement techniques have been shown to greatly reduce a new pet’s anxiety and to have better long term retention of these positive behaviors. Your family’s satisfaction with your new pet will have a great deal to do with how quickly, efficiently and well you teach him or her how to follow the rules of the house. Here are a few ideas that may help to get you started…read on!

Keep the Treats On Hand
Rewarding your new puppy for good behavior is one of the most effective ways to ensure that he or she learns how to be a well behaved furry family member. Treats are one of the most effective positive reinforcement training tools you can get since dogs thoroughly enjoy the smell and taste of food. Keeping a small pouch or bag of treats on your person at all times, especially during the initial stages of puppy training, will help you always have a way to show him or her how to be good and follow the rules. Breaking larger treats into bite sized pieces will help you save money on training reinforcement, spare your puppy some potential overeating issues and let you stretch the treats much farther for more lessons. Talk to your dog breeder about what treats they have given your new fur baby to lessen any digestive problems and to get recommendations for low cost, healthy treats for your new pet.

Double Down
When reinforcing good behavior with treats, praise and affection will help cement the lesson into place. More than anything, your new pet wants to feel loved and accepted by their new human family. Praise can even eventually become the main modicum of behavior modification if you slowly wean your pet off treats and spend more time petting him or her, using words such as “good dog!” or “what a good puppy!” in an excited tone and spending a little extra time lavishing him or her with attention. This type of encouragement is one of the most powerful training tools in your arsenal. You can ask for more positive reinforcement training tips from your local dog breeder as well to find out what other types of stimuli have worked for them.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and how to use positive reinforcement to help train your new puppy, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Making Your Home Safe For A New Puppy

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can help your family gain a new lifelong friend and companion. Bringing home a puppy means a lot of preparation and adjustments to make your house a safe environment for an inquisitive, playful pet. Many hazards exist that can cause a four-legged fuzzy family member injuries, illnesses and even death if not prevented. Tragedies can be averted with a few simple steps and by doing a bit of research before you bring home your new companion. Here are a few ideas to help get you started on “puppy-proofing” your home…read on!

Avoid Shocking Accidents
It is well known that puppies chew on many household items, especially when they are teething or bored. While most of what your new pet destroys will only be irritating to you and your family, some of the items that he or she could chew on may cause severe damage. Of these household items, electrical cords are one of the most threatening to the health and safety of your new puppy. Before you bring home your fur baby, secure loose cords by either tacking them down to walls or moving them behind large, heavy furnishings. Where electrical cords must be run across floors, try taping the wires to baseboards or along carpeted areas so that your newest family member can’t gnaw on them and will most likely overlook them entirely.

The Nose Knows
A dog’s most highly developed sense is his or her sense of smell. Your kitchen trash can may be too much of a temptation for an inquisitive, mischievous nose. While most of the time your pup’s pillaging will only make a mess, certain items that might be found there could cause severe illness or even kill your newest family member. Everything from chicken bones to chocolate that may be found in a kitchen garbage can could cause choking or accidental poisoning. To prevent this, simply store your waste receptacle inside a locked cabinet or wrap up dangerous food items for disposal where he or she cannot tamper with them. For a complete list of hazardous foods that your puppy shouldn’t be exposed to, ask your dog breeder or veterinarian.

A Room Of Her Own (Or His…)
Cordoning off an area for your puppy will not only give him or her a sense of belonging, but can also save them from household accidents, particularly while you are away or asleep. By using either an appropriately sized kennel or gating off a small area for him or her, you can avoid the majority of the accidental injuries and illnesses that can be caused by a pup’s natural curiosity. If you decide on crating your new pet, ask your dog breeder what size kennel would be appropriate.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and house preparations you should make before bringing home a puppy, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Holidays and Pets (Part Two)

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can provide your home with a wonderful holiday present. Puppies are often sought after pets this time of year and can make an extra special addition to your home this season. However, there are special considerations that must be made by responsible pet owners this time of year and there are many items that are very dangerous for your new fur baby. Here is a continuation of our previous installment on this important topic; please read on…

Holiday Goodies
Leaving a plate of cookies out for Santa has long been a holiday tradition; however, many of those goodies never make it to that jolly old elf. Puppies have an extraordinary sense of smell and a plate of unattended cookies may end up being munched on by your new furry family member. Many of the ingredients in the cookies you bake for the holidays are very hazardous, even poisonous for dogs, such as chocolate. As your dog breeder may warn you around this time of year, be careful of leaving baked goods unattended with your new pet.

Holiday Wrappings
Although the paper and ribbons themselves may not pose much of a threat to your newest family member, should a new puppy take an interest in what your family and Santa have left as presents for Christmas day can cause your family a lot of grief. Shiny decorations, bells or other giftwrapping goodies may attract your puppy’s interest and appear to be a toy. Not only could your family end up to an unwanted scene on Christmas morning, but your puppy would end up suffering the consequences. Ask your dog breeder what they recommend for safeguarding your family’s gifts from your inquisitive new pup.

Ringing In The New Year
Right after Christmas comes the New Year’s celebration and many different types of hazards can affect your newest family member during that holiday. Just like the 4th of July, many people celebrate New Year’s Eve by shooting off guns or sparking fireworks. These noisy components to celebrations can cause nervous behaviors, especially if a puppy is in the first few weeks of being introduced to a new home. Avoid using any of the noisemakers that could cause trauma to your fur baby and you can even ask your dog breeder about a recommendation for a quality veterinarian that can prescribe sedatives for the event if you are concerned.

There is the additional concern about alcoholic beverages and your pets during the New Year’s holiday. Being extra diligent about not leaving unattended glasses in lower areas where your pets can access the contents of a beer can, champagne flute or shot glass can save your pet’s life.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and safeguarding your new pets during the holiday season, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link. 

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Holidays and Pets (Part One)

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can provide you and your family with a gift that keeps giving all year round. For this upcoming holiday, if you and your family have been considering expanding your home by adding a furry family member, seeking the advice and wares of a quality local dog breeder can help make your decision. Yet, many families that choose to get new pets around this time of year are unaware of a few holiday hazards that can affect puppies and cause problems and health concerns for your newfound friend. Here are a few things you may need to consider around this time of year if you have a recent addition to your household or are considering getting a puppy as a gift this season…read on!

Christmas Trees
Some of the holiday decorations can cause a problem when a new puppy is introduced into a home. As a quality dog breeder can tell you, the acclimation into a new home can be a confusing time for a puppy, and the hustle and bustle of the holidays adds one more layer of concerns for new pup owners. Christmas trees in particular can be hazardous if chewed upon or knocked over by a particularly boisterous puppy. If your Christmas tree is too tall to be placed on a table that is out of reach of your new pet, you may need to consider using baby gates or other barriers to block off your tree from an inquisitive puppy. You can also choose to crate your new fur baby when he or she isn’t being attended to ensure their safety during the holiday season.

Shiny glass ornaments can be hazardous to dogs if they are hung too low and your new puppy gets out of its containment area or past any barriers you have set up. Glass ornaments can be knocked off with wagging tails or curious noses and subsequently shatter on the floor. Your new puppy could end up with lacerated paw pads or even get cuts in their mouths if they decide to chew on the shards of a broken ornament. It is therefore advisable to either replace glass ornaments with plastic ones or, if replacement ornaments are not an option, placing the breakables near the top of the tree can help.

Shiny and attractive in quality, tinsel has been a mainstay for many years as a favorite decoration for a Christmas tree; however, for just as many years, tinsel has also made the news due to the choking hazard that it creates for pets and babies alike. If you have a new puppy or baby, choosing to skip the tinsel this year is the optimal choice. For those that decide to still use the shiny ornamentation, decorating with it in out of reach areas will help safeguard your new four-legged friend.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and the special considerations of puppies during the holidays, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Appropriate Puppy Treats

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can help round out your family with a new furry companion and give you some helpful advice on how to integrate your new fur baby into your home. Since training will undoubtedly be involved in making a solid, happy home for your newly expanded family, the question of what treats are good for your new pet and which ones should not be considered is something you may want to discuss with the breeding facility; however, to get you started, below are a few of the possible treat time ideas that you may want to discuss…read on!

Commercial Treats
Just about every supermarket, drugstore and super retail center have aisles dedicated to pet food and treats. Commercially produced pet treats are available in many flavors and types for you to try to add to your pet’s diet as a reward for good behavior and as an incentive to learn tricks. However, your dog breeder may have some suggestions as to which brands you may want to avoid for reasons such as low protein content or specific ingredients that a particular breed may be sensitive to digesting. Asking your breeding facility what types of commercially available treats they recommend can help a great deal.

Make Your Own Treats
Some puppy owners enjoy making their own treats for their fur babies. A simple kitchen dehydrating machine can help a pet owner churn out healthy, natural snacks for your pup. Using thin slices of chicken or beef can give your puppy a nutritious protein boost and reward their behavior when he or she has put their best paw forward. If your dog breeder has raised your new pet with homemade treats, this may be a great way to keep them on the same diet and avoid some of the pitfalls you may find with commercially available treats.

No Matter Which Way You Go…
Whether you choose the DIY approach to giving your puppy a treat or have bought a commercially available brand, breaking treats down into smaller bites is a great tip. Your dog breeder can verify that your new pet doesn’t really care what size their treat is, just that they get one. So for instance, if you have chosen a commercial treat, breaking it into small pieces gives your dog more treats and more pleasure than if it is kept whole. Plus this tip helps you to give treats in a more economically efficient manner while still giving your fur baby the training tools it needs.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and how to choose the best treats for your new puppy, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Dog Breeder in Buffalo Junction VA: Curbing Your Puppy’s Problem Behaviors

A dog breeder in Buffalo Junction, Virginia can help your household grow with a new fur baby family member. While bringing home a new puppy can be a joyous time full of excitement and happiness, pups must become acquainted with house rules and what acceptable behaviors are in their new family. After the initial adjustment period and some initial training occurs, you may notice some problem behaviors begin to surface, such as excessive barking, chewing and other destructive behaviors. There are many ways to curb these problems so that your household can enjoy its newest family member. Here are a few ideas to help during this critical phase…read on!

Choosing Training Methods

Talking to your dog breeder about the various training methods can give you some insight into what will be likeliest to work with your new pet. With how many pups a breeding facility has in their care, training would be one of the many specialties that they can be called in for as an expert. Most trainers will advocate a behavioral approach, using positive reinforcement such as treats and attention or other small rewards to allow your new puppy to learn good behaviors. Using only positive reinforcement methods will take more time and more work to get the behaviors you want in your new fuzzy family member, but the results are longer lasting and don’t have the drawbacks that adding negative reinforcements or punishments for bad behaviors, such as instilling fear or even hurting your puppy. Talk with your local dog breeder about the differences in training methods and even ask if there are different methods that work better with particular breeds. Sometimes, these professionals have noticed patterns or know some tricks that really work with the types of dogs they breed.

Not Just Treats

Making sure that you vary your positive rewards for good behavior will help your puppy greatly. While giving treats can be a very satisfying way to reinforce behaviors for you and your new family member, dependence on treats can cause a dog to gain unhealthy weight or always come to expect food when they have done something good. Affection and attention can be just as welcome as a treat to a puppy, plus by snuggling your “good boy” or “good girl”, you nurture a stronger bond between you and your pet that will be even more rewarding in the long run.

For more information about a dog breeder in Buffalo Junction VA and getting tips to help you choose a puppy training method that really works, call 434-374-2969 or click on the provided link.